
8 Serious Diseases Fought by Ginger

5:50 PM

There are many benefits of ginger in the treatment of various diseases, and the abundance of research and clinical studies to discover more, and indeed proves modern science every day how wonderful food and has several functions in prevention and treatment, and then deserved to be a "functional food", and in this article will learn about the most important benefits Health of Ginger.

Image Credits: medicalnewstoday 
1. The effect of ginger on diabetes
Ginger contains a small percentage of starches, including a large proportion of fiber, so it has a low glycemic index (carbohydrates that slowly decompose and gradually release blood glucose), which is ideal for diabetics.

Fortunately, ginger works more than one anti-diabetic mechanism, including:
- The removal of insulin from the pancreas.
- Reduce blood glucose.
- Increase tissue sensitivity to insulin.
- Control the representation of carbohydrates.
- Change the metabolism of fat.

In addition, ginger works through active ingredients - gingrol and shogol - to prevent the complications of diabetes; such as its effects on liver, kidney, eye, heart, and nerves.

Research has recently increased in this area, for example:
A study of 41 type 2 diabetic patients taking 2 grams of ginger powder per day resulted in:
- Reduce sugar (fasting) in the blood by 12%.
- HbA1c sugar improves significantly by 10% over 12 weeks, and this is the hemoglobin sugar which gives us an indication of long-term improvement in blood glucose levels.
- A 28% reduction in ApoB / ApoA ratio, which indicates an increase in risk factors for the heart.
- Decreased by 23% in oxidizing lipoproteins.

All of which are major risk factors for heart disease if they are increased, knowing that heart disease is one of the most common complications of diabetes.

In studies on animals with Type 1 diabetes, the long-term use of ginger has led to:
- Reduce blood sugar levels.
- Reduce triglycerides.
- Lower total cholesterol in the blood.
- Reduction of proteins in the urine.
- Improved oxidative stress with increased antioxidants.

2. The effect of ginger on cholesterol and cardiovascular disease
Ginger has shown remarkable success in lowering total cholesterol, low "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides, which are key risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

In a study in two separate heart disease clinics, the effect of ginger was tested on patients after consuming 3 grams per day at multiple doses for 45 days. The results showed low total cholesterol, low density, and triglycerides with high "high" cholesterol, giving new perspectives For heart patients.

In a study of 4628 participants (1823 men and 2805 women) from 18 to 77 years to study the association between the level of ingestion of ginger (2 g, 4 g and 6 g / day) and the prevalence of chronic diseases; The risk of stress and cardiovascular disease.

3. Excellent efficacy against nausea
Feelings of dizziness and nausea may have a number of causes such as dizziness, nausea in airplanes, postoperative, chemotherapy, pregnancy, anti-AIDS and other treatments. Ginger seems to have proven effective against all of them through many clinical studies involving hundreds Of patients.

For example, in a study of 1,741 tourists who suffered from dizziness, it was found that the effectiveness of ginger is equal to other drugs in terms of nausea during travel, and the consequent feeling of exhaustion and vomiting.

In another study of 744 cancer patients, eating a daily supplement of 0.5 to 1.0 grams of ginger was a significant improvement in nausea associated with chemotherapy.

The strength of ginger in the treatment of nausea because its effect on any presentation is made through several compounds, which gives stronger effectiveness with the causes of various nausea.

4. Benefits of ginger in the treatment of chronic indigestion
Chronic indigestion is characterized by pain and burning in the upper part of the stomach, and may be delayed emptying the stomach is the main engine of indigestion, and the ability to accelerate the acceleration of gastric emptying, and thus shows a marked improvement in these patients.

Studies have shown that 1.2 grams of ginger powder before the meal causes accelerated stomach emptying in 50% of patients.

In another pilot study, ginger with artichoke had a strong effect on many infectious symptoms. A total of 126 patients were treated for 4 weeks of supplementation before lunch and dinner, and there was a significant improvement in swelling, pain, burning, and nausea.

5. Other chronic digestive diseases
Studies have shown promising results in the treatment of certain diseases of the digestive system such as ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis); also showed protection of the liver from a fatty liver disease of experimental animals.

6. Ginger contains substances that may help prevent cancer
Cancer is characterized by excessive growth and division of cells beyond the ability of the body to contain and control and has received hundreds of research because of the high risk and the cost of treatment large.

Ginger extract has been studied as an alternative treatment for several forms of cancer. It contains more than one active substance. The most important of these substances are gingrol, shogol, zinger, paradol and zurimborne. These substances are found in large quantities in raw ginger and its extracts.
- Resistance to cell division.
- Fight inflammation.
Oxidation countermeasures.

These are important and fundamental factors in the treatment of cancer, and research is underway in this area, and while it is still in its infancy, but preliminary results are promising, especially for skin cancer, prostate, colon, pancreas, liver, intestines, ovaries and blood.

7. Ginger improves brain function and resists Alzheimer's disease
As people age, people may lose some of their mental ability and may get worse with Alzheimer's disease, the exact cause of which is not yet known or age-related cognitive decline, but chronic inflammation with increased oxidation in the cells of the body may speed up the aging process.

Oxidative stress results from increased levels of oxidants in blood, the antioxidant's inability to equalize, and ginger contains several anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, which gives great hope in delaying these symptoms.

Some animal studies suggest that antioxidants and biologically active compounds in ginger can prevent infections in the brain and protect against age-related mental decline, and further studies are needed.

8. Ginger and weight loss
Ginger is used efficiently in obesity clinics; it increases the sense of satiety and improves the burning of food, stimulates the digestive system.

A study of 10 men with weight gain to see the effect of hot ginger drink on energy depletion, satiety, and metabolism. After 2 grams of ginger powder, there was already an increased sense of satiety, reduced intake of food and increased body heat. This effect lasted for 3 hours after breakfast with ginger, which supports the role of ginger in weight control.

Many studies have pointed out people and animals to the role of effective ginger in weight reduction.

This wonderful food still fascinates us, and scientists and researchers are still chasing the great benefits that are being discovered every day.

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