Broccoli is a vegetable star in the anti-cancer diet with its cabbage cabbage. It contains ingredients that qualify it to be a magical food.
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Star of the vegetables that prevent cancer
Like all vegetables belonging to the carnivorous family (including cabbage, turnips, watercress and cauliflower), broccoli contains plant chemicals and glucosinols, which in the framework of the enzyme are converted into isochiants, the molecules that prevent carcinogens from causing cell damage. Several studies have shown that regular broccoli may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, stomach, lung, prostate and breast cancers.
Broccoli protects the heart and joints
Broccoli is especially rich in vitamin C (every 100 grams of broccoli contains 37 mg of vitamin C after cooking), which helps to form collagen naturally, to ensure good blood vessel performance. It has proved its important role in cardiovascular health, provided that 5 servings of broccoli are taken every week. Because of its content of sulfoformin, it also takes care of the health of the joints, because this sulfuric compound inhibits the enzyme that causes cartilage damage and slows down inflammation. It is important to note that this sulfuric compound is also effective against infection with infectious ulcers, because it destroys the heliobacter pylori bacteria that cause many ulcers.
An ally of pregnant women and the body's immune system
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin B9 (folic acid) and should occupy a prominent position in the diet of women of reproductive age and pregnant women, as this vitamin ensures good growth of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Folic acid is a dietary compound that contributes to the synthesis of amino acids and the normal formation of blood.
Broccoli supports the entire immune system and reduces fatigue.
In order to get all the benefits of broccoli
• eaten raw. This is the perfect way to avoid losing its high content of vitamin C. Each 100 grams of broccoli contains 106 mg of vitamin C and about two-thirds of that amount is lost in cooking. It can be taken in the form of its original bouquets after being minimized and dipped in white cheese sauce, such as broccoli.
• Cooking by steaming. This is the best way to make sure that vitamins and minerals that contain them, as well as water-soluble glucosinolates, are not lost quickly. This method of cooking with warm heat, helps to form the sulforphan well, as it is very sensitive to high temperatures.
• It is fully cooked with its trunk. The stem should not be removed when cooking, because it contains important nutrients.