
How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

12:06 PM
Using the brush and putty on their own is not enough to keep you safe from dental problems. 
Learn the most important tips to help you improve your mouth and the health of your teeth:

Image Credit: Alghad

Mouthwash is currently the top favorite dental and gums product for both women and men because of its ease of use and uses anywhere, and the many benefits it offers in terms of cleanliness and aroma.

The demand for mouthwash is an integral part of the increasing attention to oral and dental health, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining the overall health of the individual and the family.

Why Should Oral and Dental Health Be Maintained?

Image Credit: Drmaxlingo

See Also: How to Free Yourself  from Bad Breath Easily & Naturally

The health of every part of the body is a must for every person, including oral and dental health.

The importance of caring for them, maintaining their beauty or having an attractive smile, is for the following reasons:

1- Oral and dental hygiene is important: they reflect a lot about the health of the body and malnutrition.

2- 90% of the diseases that affect the various organs of the body have manifestations on the teeth and gums, which means that periodic attention to examination may help in the early detection of diseases.

3- Dental pain or loss due to cavities or other oral diseases may cause chewing difficulties and therefore digestion of food.

4- Dental pain or loss due to cavities or other oral diseases can cause speech and speech problems.

5- Dental treatment is expensive: so it is best to take care of oral and dental hygiene and preventative health, to avoid any health complications of their own.

6- Tooth decay and poor oral hygiene: adversely affect the aesthetic appearance of any man or woman.

7- The negligence in the care of oral hygiene and dental treatment may lead to some health consequences or the incidence of some diseases, such as:

  • Endocarditis: It occurs when bacteria or bacteria pass from anywhere in the body, including the mouth and teeth, through blood and infect the vulnerable parts of the heart.

  • Cardiovascular Disease: Some scientific research suggests that there may be a link between heart disease, stroke, arterial blockage, inflammation and infection caused by oral bacteria.

  • Neonatal Birth and Low Birth Size: Studies show a link between periodontal disease, premature births, and low birth rates.

How Do You Care About the Health of Your Mouth and Teeth?

Image Credit: Drsunildental

There are several important tips to maintain the health of teeth, gums, and mouth in general, the most important:

1- Wash your teeth at least twice a day: preferably after meals. Choose a small head brush and soft hair so you can reach the back teeth and be thin on the gums.

2- Use fluoride-rich toothpaste: it maintains tooth enamel and reduces the risk of cavities.

3- Clean your teeth well: cleaning your teeth should take between two to three minutes at a time.

4- Change your toothbrush periodically: every three to four months or if you brush your hairs beforehand.

5- Clean your teeth with the thread daily: slowly paper so as not to hurt your gums.

6- Chewing sugar-free frankincense after meals help to get rid of food and harmful bacteria in the mouth.

7- Reduce acidic drinks such as soft drinks and juices: they weaken tooth enamel and dissolve the minerals inside, leading to tooth decay.

8- Reduce the intake of sugars: The bacteria in the teeth turn sugars into acids.

9- Protect your teeth from injuries: Wear a visor for your teeth or face while exercising.

10- Do not use your teeth except to chew food: do not use them to open bottles or any stuck objects, so as to avoid the risk of breaking them by mistake.

11- Quickly visit your doctor if you feel pain in your teeth or notice bleeding in your gums: treat them and avoid any subsequent health complications and make sure to check your teeth periodically.

12- Refrain from smoking: It increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer significantly.

13- Use a good mouthwash regularly: it has more than a mouthwash and preserves its odor. It plays an important role in reducing the growth of bacteria in the mouth and helps prevent decay.

Tips for Optimal Use of Mouthwash

Image Credit: Conroedentistry

After consulting your dentist or pharmacist about the most appropriate types of mouthwash, be sure to:

Rinse with a mouthwash twice a day.

Use mouthwash containing fluoride to prevent tooth decay.

Why is it Recommended to Use Mouthwash?

Generally, mouthwash helps:

Smear the mouth and get rid of bad breath odor.

Fight plaque and get rid of bacteria.

Remove toothpaste residues.

Protection Against Caries.

Maintain the health and vitality of the gums.

Reduce the risk of age-related disease

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