This Method Will Rid You of Depression in 15 Seconds

12:10 PM
If you suffer from depression every now and then, we advise you to resort to this method that will help you get rid of this problem in a few seconds.

All you have to do is soak your feet in a bowl containing cold water for 15 seconds.

This trick helps to improve your mood and get rid of depression. Cold water therapy also helps reduce muscle pain.

A Russian study suggests that this method contributes to the strengthening of the immune system. This is confirmed by researchers from the University of Virginia, where they confirmed that soaking the feet with cold water stimulates the production of a hormone that contributes to the building of a strong immune system.

It is necessary to apply this method 3 times a day for one week. After that, it is enough to do so in the evening and before going to sleep.

See Also: 7 Steps to a Happy, Healthy Life That You Control.

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