How to Maintain Body Moisture

10:58 AM
Drinking water in sufficient quantities is very important for your health, and healthy people according to the definition of the CDC are those who drink water in sufficient quantities at thirst and with meals.

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Most of your water needs are covered by your intake of water and beverages. A few liquids can be obtained from the foods they contain, such as soups and water-rich foods such as watermelons, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, and others.

What is the importance of maintaining water level and humidity in the body?

According to the CDC, water and maintaining body moisture are important for:

Keep your body warm
Maintain softness and elastic joints
Maintain spinal cord and sensitive body tissues
Clear the body of waste and toxins through sweating and urination.
When do we need more water?

Many factors may play a role in water loss and loss of moisture from the body. Here are a group of the most famous of these factors and effects:

The atmosphere is warm
Performing physical activities
Fever infection
In case of diarrhea and vomiting.
Ideas help you maintain your body's moisture:

First you should be careful to consume the water you need and make up for everything you lose. Here are a few ideas that can increase your water consumption:

Always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you are, at work, at home, or during your various physical activities
Freeze some water bottles and take them with you on hot days to keep them as cool as possible during the day
Consuming water instead of sugary drinks, this may also help you control your weight and reduce the calories you eat daily.
Make water your first choice wherever you go. Whenever you eat, this will reduce the amount of calories you eat and will help you save money.
Add lemon or mint slices to your water, which will enhance their flavor and increase your water consumption.
How to reduce the level of water that is lost?

Here are some recommendations that may help you reduce your body's loss of fluids and water:

Try to stay in the shade as much as possible
Exposure to the sun and its warm rays will increase your sweating and thus your body's loss of fluids, and contribute to increase your water needs

1. Cover your body and skin with clothes
Wear your hat and protective clothing and take your water with you if you have to get out during the day. Covering the skin prevents its direct exposure to the sun, thus reducing evaporation and loss of water from the cells.

2 - Cover yourself from the wind, and avoid direct exposure to the air conditioner
Some may think that cold air is refreshing and may reduce the need to drink water, but this is not true. Too much exposure to air conditioners can cause dry skin and skin and evaporate water from your skin surface.

3. Avoid breathing from the mouth, and always try to breathe from the nose
It is always important to keep your mouth moist, if you breathe out of your mouth, this will lead to loss of moisture.

4. Reduce the amounts of the least metabolized, especially proteins
The metabolism and digestion of food will certainly not occur without the consumption of water. Protein digestion in particular requires more water than digesting carbohydrates and fats. .

5. Keep away from caffeine and its sources
Avoid caffeine sources such as coffee and tea. It increases your water loss rate because it is diuretic. And replaced with herbal drinks or refreshing water.

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