22 Reasons Behind the Delay of Pregnancy

9:44 AM

Women may sometimes suffer from delayed pregnancy or lack of pregnancy and do not know the causes of delayed pregnancy, which may affect them negatively, even if realized these reasons to be able to solve the problem from the root. 

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Pregnancy is not just sex, there are many factors that contribute to the lack of pregnancy, this article will help you to understand these problems and improve rates, through the provision of solutions and treatment methods.

Causes of delayed pregnancy

How long does it take for a woman to become pregnant?

If you are in good health and fertility is at its best, you have a 25% chance of becoming pregnant during each menstrual cycle. According to the statistics presented by Amy Eugel and Lisa Mazolo about pregnancy:
All couples (women under 30 years of age) are trying to conceive. The pregnancy rate is as follows:

30 percent have pregnancy during the first month (first cycle)
75 percent after six months
85 percent in the first one year (12 cycles)
90 percent after one year
95 percent two years later
91 percent within three years (36 cycles) (about three years).
93 to 95 percent within four years (48 sessions)
There are many factors that play a role in the occurrence of pregnancy.

The most common causes of pregnancy failure are:

While your period is regular, a number of daily activities can affect your chances of pregnancy:

1. Lack of sexual relationship or many:
Sexual relationship is the basic human need for pleasure and reproduction.
Frequent sexual relationship:
Some people think that many sexual relationships can lead to pregnancy, but this may not always be true, although frequent sex will not reduce the sperm vitality of a man, but it can cause potential health problems such as fatigue, dizziness, , Frequent urination, and if you indulge in a lot of sex, it can lead to boronot (a state of fatigue, depletion of special energy to have sex). In this case, when actual fertility is present, the partner may not be interested in sex, and as a couple the chance of pregnancy is lost.
Lack of sexual relationship:
Lack of sexual intercourse to maintain sperm or to have sexual intercourse only during ovulation is incorrect, since staying without sex for a few days may affect pregnancy, urging that the fertility stage can be missed when the sexual relationship is limited, your calculations may not always be correct about ovulation. Per month.

Treat this:
Try to practice sexual intercourse often and keep closely monitoring ovulation dates and be careful to practice sexual intercourse regularly, and if you have irregular or fertility tracking problems you should use the ovulation test, and if the result shows that ovulation within a day or two, you should exercise Sexual relationship During that time, keep in mind not to exercise sexual intercourse just because of pregnancy, because then you can not enjoy this relationship.

2. Stress and fatigue:
Stress affects your health physically and mentally, and affects your ability to conceive, as other emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety can reduce fertility levels, so you should be calm in a balanced state when trying to pregnancy, as stress hinders hypothalamic functions, which control In the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland regulates the thyroid gland and ovaries, affecting the menstrual cycle, leading to irregular cycles.

Treat this:
You should give yourself some time out of stress to improve your chances of pregnancy. To overcome stress you can join the support group, visit a psychiatrist, and join yoga, fertility, meditation and exercise groups.

3. Problems with men:
One of the most important causes of infertility is the low sperm count and poor sperm movement (due to malformations), and this factor represents 30 to 40% of infertility problems in couples.

Treat this:
The first step is to visit your doctor or fertility specialist for immediate treatment. In order to treat the decrease in sperm count or immobilization, in vitro fertilization or sperm injection is the best solution. Artificial insemination includes egg fertilization with sperm outside the human body, fertilization of the fertilized egg into the vagina, Microscopy, one sperm is selected and injected directly.

4. Going to the bathroom after the sexual relationship directly:
Many women rush into the bathroom after sex for cleaning, washing, but it is necessary to stay in bed for some time after sex to ensure that the sperm get a chance to reach the egg and fertilize it. If you go to the bathroom directly this pulls the sperm towards the gravity down It is washed with cleaning, and this is one natural cause of non-pregnancy.

Treat this:
Focus on relaxing in bed for a while after practicing sexual intercourse, so that you can improve your chances of pregnancy.

5. The underwear is very narrow:
Women wear tight underwear for proper shape, and also to highlight their body and shape well, but tight clothes may hinder the functions of the genitals, and in men the production of sperm decreases, and in women reduces air circulation and leads to discomfort.

Treat this:
Wear cotton underwear under clothing to avoid infections, this will reduce sweat, moisture and related problems, let the body breathe and relax.

6. Lack of sleep:
Sleep deprivation can strain and exhaust the body and affect the functions of the immune system, and this increases the chances of infection, and in turn affects the genital cycle, and the same applies to men, where the infection can develop to fever, and can increase the body temperature of excess sperm , And women may be concerned about the lack of sleep that may affect the menstrual cycle.

Treat this:
Get enough sleep to stay healthy, and in case you are suffering from insomnia you should consult your doctor.

7. Low or overweight:
Being overweight or overweight will also affect your chances of pregnancy. If you are undernourished, ovulation will not be good, and if your weight is too high, this will hinder your fertility. , And if you are more than an ideal BMI, there are fewer chances of pregnancy even if ovulation is regular.

Treat this:
Maintain a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, maintain a moderate fitness routine, and you can follow it up with your health care provider for nutrition and supplements.

8. Excessive use of lubricants in sexual relationship:
Studies indicate that vaginal lubricants negatively affect sperm movement and interfere with fertilization.
The reason is that the pre-ovulatory pH of the cervix is ideal for keeping sperm alive while maintaining movement, but the lubricants have an acidic pH, which is enough to kill the sperm, and sperm movement is affected by lubricants and their water content.

Treat this:
Foreplay is the best lubricant for sexual intercourse and pregnancy, so take your time to get to ecstasy. If this is not useful, you can use warm water for lubrication as it is nontoxic and will not interfere with the movement of sperm.

9. unhealthy lifestyle:
Common lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, drug use, and drinking caffeine affect your fertility. In men, these factors reduce the number and movement of sperm, and in females, they cause irregular ovulation.

Treat this:
End these habits, especially a few months before planning for pregnancy, replacing them with healthy lifestyle choices, and also avoiding the use of artificial sweeteners and exposure to chemicals.

10. Environmental pollution:
Environmental toxins are known to harm both men and women. Exposure to pollutants such as chemicals, pesticides, cigarette smoke, PCBs, plastics, packaging of food and personal care products (soap, shampoo and cosmetics) can affect your health, especially fertility. Of couples' ability to conceive by 29%.

Treat this:
Although exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals is inevitable, they should be avoided as much as possible.

Stop using plant and garden pesticides, and choose organic fertilizers.
Use organic and natural personal care products.
Wear protective goggles when operating in areas exposed to chemicals, and always remain in highly ventilated areas.
All of the reasons listed above are causes in lifestyle or environmental factors that affect the ability to conceive, and now let's recognize some medical reasons for not having a pregnancy.

Causes of delayed medical pregnancy

In some cases ovulation may not pass naturally, while some spouses can suffer from impotence, so you should give yourself a year's chance of getting pregnant and if you do not get pregnant during this period you can visit your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The medical causes of pregnancy delay in women are:

11 - The irregular menstrual cycle:
Women who have irregular menstrual cycles have a greater difficulty in pregnancy, as the irregular cycle indicates that ovulation is not known at the time. Therefore, the less you ovulate, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

How to load with an irregular cycle:
Your doctor can help you find the underlying cause of the irregular sessions and provide treatment accordingly. You should also focus on a healthy diet, achieving the ideal weight, doing moderate exercise, and taking fertility supplements from the supplements when prescribed by your doctor.

12. Migratory endometriosis:
This is a chronic reproductive system disorder in which endometrial cells grow outside the uterus, blocking tubes to prevent fertilization or fertilizing the fertilized egg through the fallopian tube.
This disease causes painful menstrual cycles, severe pain during penetration during intercourse, painful bowel movements, frequent urination with a feeling that the bladder is full during menstruation, or chronic pelvic pain.

Treatment for this disease:
The best treatment is a laparoscopy that uses the light tube to examine and remove abnormal cysts and blocked tubes. After surgery, the pregnancy will take place within six to eight months. If not, fertility drugs are given with intrauterine insemination. In severe cases, fertilization is used in the laboratory .

13. Ovulation Problems:
Approximately 20 to 40% of infertility problems in women due to incomplete eggs, which have problems in releasing the mature egg from the ovaries, some women can never ovulate, cause hormonal problems, weight gain or excess weight loss, exercise excessive , Or severe stress that can be a major cause of ovulation disorders.

Treat this:
Your doctor will prescribe ovulation stimulants such as gonadotrophins, clomiphene, prolactin inhibitors, and fertility medication.

14. PCOS:
Is a complex condition caused by hormonal imbalance, which hampers ovulation, where small abscesses are formed in the ovaries thereby disrupting maturation of oocytes and include other possible irregular menstrual symptoms, weight gain, excess hair growth, and acne.
Treatment of this disease:
Changes in diet and lifestyle that helps control excess weight, and medical treatments such as ovarian catalytic drugs (gonadotrophins, clomiphene)

15. Pipe diseases:
Damaged or closed fallopian tubes prevent the egg from reaching the uterus and sperm from reaching the egg, thus contraception, and these cases can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory diseases, or autopsy operations.

Treat this problem:
Laparoscopic surgery helps to open and repair the tubes, and is followed by IVF.

16. Problems with oocytes:
Low eggs and quantity in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Women produce between 1 million and 2 million eggs at birth, gradually reducing eggs to 300,000 eggs, then about 300 mature eggs and releasing them through ovulation before menopause.

the cure:
The loss of eggs is an irreversible process and you should try planning for pregnancy at the age of fertility, also try weight loss if you are overweight, you quit smoking, treat thyroid problems (if you have any) and take supplements including So fish oils, vitamins, probiotics, vitamin D, and enzyme Q10 improves egg quality.

Low levels of progesterone:
After ovulation, the yellow body (egg) produces progesterone to support embryo implantation during early pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency is called at this stage luteal defect, and may be one of the causes of infertility, even if pregnancy occurs, the placenta and fetus will not grow any more. Unborn fetus or early fetal loss, and in other medical conditions such as high prolactin hormone or thyroid abnormalities can lead to abnormal luteal action.

Treat this:
Your doctor may refer you to a gynecologist, including prophylactic treatments, progesterone hormones, vaginal injections, or suppositories for endometrial lactation.

18. Problems with cervical mucus:
Cervical mucus usually changes to a clear and flexible mucus so that sperm can move easily in the female genitalia. In the case of cervical mucus problems, mucus prevents sperm from passing. The mucus may contain infection, Anti-sperm kill, and these problems are faced in women who suffer from chronic cervical or cervical narrowing which leads to pregnancy failure.

Treatment of this problem:
Identify and treat infection, use reproductive methods such as in vitro fertilization, and help solve this problem.

Medical reasons for infertility in men are:

19. Sperm problems:
Low sperm movement, low sperm count or lack of sperm, or abnormalities in sperm can lead to a reduction in male fertility.

Treatment of this problem:
Fertility drugs are the first line of treatment to promote sperm production, and other treatments may be artificial insemination and microscopy.

20 - Blockage of the pipe:
Barriers in the epididymis (a long coiled tube located behind the testicles and a mature sperm store) and sperm (the spermatic tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculation channel) can adversely affect the transmission of fertile sperm, and there may be obstruction of the tubes due to inflammation, Gonorrhea, chlamydia, congenital defects, or infections, as well as varicosils (enlarged veins in the scrotum) will affect the transmission of sperm.

Treat this:
Doctors usually prefer surgical correction of tubular obstruction, which corrects fertility.

Besides lifestyle and medical reasons, there are a few other factors that can affect fertility.

Other factors affecting delayed pregnancy and fertility:

Unjustifiable causes accounted for approximately 25% and 40% respectively of all infertility cases.

21. Unjustifiable infertility:
Of all cases of infertility, 25% are diagnosed as unexplained infertility due to failure to find the actual cause even after a series of tests and assessments. The couple undergoes a variety of tests without any specific results, although there may not be any Actually any problem may lead to confusion.

Treat this:
Doctors usually recommend the following step, which is regular intercourse (without focusing on the presence of children and the idea of pregnancy), and if the pregnancy is not a few years, the treatment may be IVF or ICSI.

22. Mixed infertility:
Both spouses are diagnosed with fertility problems, or when each of them has two fertility problems.

Treat this:
Appropriate treatments are provided according to the cause of infertility.

In women, sometimes the menstrual cycle may change in intensity and duration, and this can also directly affect fertility:

Is the heavy cycle a sign of fertility:
Heavy cycle is not a sign of fertility, and may sometimes indicate a different problem, you may feel tired and wear, and in the process of losing more blood, you will lose the body's basic resources over time, and if your cycle suddenly get, you should discuss this immediately with your doctor .

You can get pregnant at any time of the month:
Pregnancy can not be done at any time of the month, and ovulation must be working for pregnancy, which means that you should have sex in the days around and around ovulation, and two to three days before ovulation and ovulation day are the most fertile days.
However you must understand that the days of fertility do not mean that everything works well.

Does fertilization happen if the course is regular?
If you have a regular course, your chances of fertility are high, yet fertility is difficult because there may be reasons that can prevent pregnancy despite having a good number of oocytes.
If you are trying to conceive for months or years and it has failed, you should see a fertility specialist or gynecologist to rule out possible causes. Also, remember that you do not always need medical help, some changes in lifestyle can help naturally in pregnancy.
If the fertility is good, it should not be difficult for the couple to conceive.

How to prevent delayed pregnancy and get pregnant as soon as possible:

Once you decide that you want to have a child, you may want to get pregnant faster, and there are ways to quickly boost your pregnancy.
Stay away from the pill for days or weeks before trying to get pregnant

Find out your ovulation time, where the ovulation prediction set can be used.
Having sex in time
Improve sperm quality by improving diet, exercising regularly, reducing exposure to chemicals, and consuming herbal supplements.
Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
Relax and have fun while having sex.
The faster you do in implementing these changes it will be getting the load.

Some couples have problems with pregnancy for the first time, while others have problems in pregnancy for the second time and will tell you why.

Why not get pregnant for the second time:
Your fertility can be reduced from your first pregnancy. Women may find it difficult to conceive for a second time. This is known as secondary infertility. Here are some common causes of pregnancy:

If you are a woman over 35 years old, the number of oocytes decreases and leads to less ovulation
More than 50 men have a decrease in fertility and sperm are abnormal
Changes in ovulation and menstrual cycles due to hormonal imbalance, weight problems, stress, medications (steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines), drug abuse (drugs, tobacco, alcohol)
Complications of first pregnancy or work
Damages to fallopian tubes due to abdominal surgery, endometrial migration, and sexually transmitted diseases.

There are certainly ways to repair infertility and pregnancy easily, but first you must identify the problem and work to solve it.

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