When it comes to personal cleanliness and bad smell, this problem is one of our worst fears. For most, there are a number of common mistakes when using deodorant.
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There are a number of mistakes when using a deodorant that results in health problems, including clogged pores, which causes accumulation and may put you at risk of health problems. You may take a shower every day to get rid of the bad smell and get rid of the bacteria that are the cause of unwanted odors. However, studies are now going towards the dangers of soap and antihistamines that can lead us to the wrong direction when it comes to clean smell.
Perhaps now you are sure that personal hygiene is a simple issue, especially when it comes to bad smell or itching after applying deodorant. Read this guide to identify deodorant errors.
The most common mistakes in the use of deodorant
1. Identify the difference between deodorant and antiperspirants:
Anti-sweating helps reduce sweat, while deodorant helps you get rid of bad breath. According to Vince Frey, a dermatologist and founder of the Freavas team, most antiperspirants contain aluminum salts and are sometimes mixed with zeroconium salt, which is linked to a protein in the thyroid ducts, creating problems of sweating and temporarily limiting the custom. On the other hand, deodorant is a topical product that neutralizes sweat odor using ingredients that kill some bacteria that contribute to the development of body odor or simply a mask. "They do not reduce the amount of sweat removed and will not keep the armpits dry," said Tsepora Chenhaus, a dermatologist at Los Angeles Medical Center and a clinical assistant at the University of Southern California.
2. Use your deodorant during exercise:
Your average deodorant may help you in the morning but when you exercise intensively sweat increases. This is good when it comes to fitness. However, you may not have the usual deodorant enough to keep the odors away. It is preferable to use a deodorant that has been specially formulated for application during exercise. It is usually made from herbs. It uses a tea tree that kills bacteria that cause vomiting and moisture absorption but does so without the presence of aluminum, alcohol, dyes and artificial microbicides. When you apply it in the morning you continue until the evening the smell becomes new.
3. Bathing several times a week:
It may seem self-evident, but scientists find that too much bathing can actually make the smell worse. Dermatologist Richard Gallo says good bacteria encourage skin to make antibiotics that kill bad bacteria. Bathing a lot, especially with the use of harsh soap, removes the good bacteria.
To solve this problem, if you prefer to take a shower before work, after exercise, before sleeping you can consider the use of medium soap and does not contain many chemicals in order to remove bad smells and achieve a balance of hypoallergenic acid, but actually fights odors and soothe the skin with ingredients such as tree Tea, Cactus. It is also biodegradable and large enough to be used with the entire body.
4. Dependence on aromatic deodorant:
You need to remove sweat and cover the body with a good smell. In fact, some companies put a label on deodorant by adding aromatic substance and describing the perfume inside. As a result, deodorant becomes full of harsh chemicals that irritate the skin and kill good bacteria that help you smell better naturally.
You can rely on organic deodorant, which is completely free from perfumes and even edible materials such as coconut oil, essential oils that help you keep the body odor fresh and fresh by resisting the smell of sweat and absorb sweat. Experts mention that this type is made of natural ingredients and is not sticky material and is very suitable for people who suffer from skin allergy.
5. Using the wrong soap in the bathroom:
You may think that the soap you use has a sweet smell, but some soap changes the microorganisms that exist in the body. The sweat does not produce any odor so your odor will really come from microorganisms that drink or sweat. "When you use harsh anti-bacterial soap that contains harmful chemicals, you kill all the good bacteria in your body," says Dr. Julie Horvath, an expert in armpit bacteria.
In order to solve this error, you must avoid any harsh chemicals and preservatives, condensers, detergents. Alternatively, you can use natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungicides such as tea tree oil to get rid of body odor. Natural contains treasures that also work as a moisturizer and help solve large skin problems such as eczema and rheumatism. Experts say bad odors come from underarms or feet.
6. Confusion of sweat and smell:
It is quite possible to mix between sweat and smell. In fact, the function of sweat is to get rid of toxins quite naturally and allow your body to do so to better help you improve the odor in the long run. On the other hand, products that prevent sweat, such as anti-sweating, which can be filled with aluminum, can weaken the sweat glands and cause you worse odor over time.
Try to prevent odor without blocking toxins. Because these products are made of mineral salts free of aluminum chlorhydrodes and placed on the skin form a non-sticky layer without stopping the sweat, it basically prevents the bacteria causing the sweat.
7. Expect protection to continue throughout the day:
There are many brands for advertising that remember that the deodorant protects all day but the deodorant reduces the sweating by 20%. As a result, depending on the amount of sweat, the deodorant depends on the amount of sweat and so your deodorant may fail after a few hours Of the application.
In this case, you can use a specially formulated travel deodorant that contains healthy ingredients free of paraben and aluminum. It is made of fresh odors like citrus or lavender and small containers that fit your bag or placed in your office throughout the day. The reviewers say it is really amazing.
8. Skip peeling:
No matter what deodorant you use if you are removing the hair under the armpits you are at risk of growing hair growing and clogging pores that lead to the accumulation of dirt that becomes trapped in the skin. One of the basics of body care is the use of salt peeler to get rid of dirt and mix with golden honey and coconut milk, all of which help to peel and fighting bacteria and moisturizing.
9. Damage to your microbial:
Studies have found that antihistamines can make the smell worse by changing the armpit bacteria. Basically, our skin is supposed to be a balanced mixture of good and bad bacteria but by getting rid of good bacteria and bad bacteria there is an actinobacterium responsible for the unpleasant odor of the armpit.
You can restore skin surface with good bacteria using Dermatic Probiotics for skin treatment. This product comes in the form of a comfortable spray that does not contain harsh chemicals or alcohol and instead contains 100 million of probiotics. It works at the microscopic level to help irritate acne, sores, dehydration, unwanted odors.
10. The wrong product may be used:
A misconception people have is that the deodorant actually prevents the wrong sweating. Deodorant differs from anti-sweating as mentioned above. If you are concerned about the body odor used deodorant. But if you are wearing a heavy jacket you can consider the use of antipsychotics but the antihistamines contain aluminum and chloride. These ingredients work to prevent sweat while the deodorant only gives an odor.
11. It is applied at the wrong time:
You can apply deodorant at any time of the day and prefer to apply after bathing, but must be applied anti-sweat better at night before going to sleep, where not sweating a lot and the components are absorbed by the pores correctly before reaching the height of sweat day.
12. Do not apply sufficient quantity:
Sometimes just spraying once is not enough because it can result in more sweat in an unexpected amount. For example, when in a meeting avoid covering the ethnic gland properly and accurately with anti-perspiration. Once you apply the first splash and allow it to dry then apply again and wait one second to make sure it is dry.
13. Do not use the right type for your skin:
If you have sensitive skin, eczema or any kind of skin problems, using highly scented antiseptics can aggravate skin irritation and eczema, so you should look better at the fragrance-free deodorant.
14. The same product is used for a long time:
If you feel that you are applying an anti-perspiration generously and still feel the smell of sweat it may be time to try another product, your body can develop resistance to a certain product and still produce sweat and change to another product and change to a product that can help you have more control Preventing the body from resisting a particular product. You can continue to change from product to product to get the best product.
15. The application under Armpit:
While the clear use of the deodorant under your arms but you can use it in a variety of other places during the hot summer months such as behind the knees or between the thighs to help prevent excessive sweating.
16. Put deodorant immediately after shaving:
Apply deodorant immediately after shave often results in skin irritation and become more sensitive. Putting the deodorant immediately after shaving may also result in clogged pores so it is best to wait for a little before applying deodorant to the skin.
17. Put the remover before and after sweating:
Obviously, you can apply a deodorant after you have started sweating but sometimes this step may be too late. You can apply the remover at the right time after you get out of the bath until you are protected from sweat.
18. Place large quantity:
When you put a large amount of deodorant on the belief that it helps you to protect against sweat, it is counterproductive. One or two sprinklers may be sufficient to protect against sweat.
19. Choose a strong scent:
The body uses shampoos, perfumes and everything that has an odor, so try to pick a mild sweat remover odor and supplement those instead of competing with it.