Put the Baking Soda While Boil the Egg Cause is Amazing

12:14 PM

Hard boiled egg is a favorite meal for breakfast because it is healthy and nutritious and you need to prepare boiled eggs in the least time so you can do your daily activities. 

Image Credits: southernliving
The US Department of Agriculture said that the old eggs are easier to digest than fresh eggs because there is an air cell between the eggs and the crust increases in size with increasing storage time and the larger the size of the air cell the smaller the size of eggs and begins to settle away from the cell in the end and this makes eggs easier When peeling.

Put the desired number of eggs in an empty container and make sure to use a shallow bowl so that the water covers the eggs completely. Then pour the cold water into a bowl until the eggs are completely covered with water by at least 1 inch.

Add a large suspension of salt and half a large suspension of baking soda to the water. Salt helps the proteins in the eggs to coagulate, which means that it becomes stable and more susceptible to cracking. If there is cracking in the pan, add baking soda to get rid of the eggshells when the boiling ends.

Place the top lid and leave until the water is boiled at medium temperature.

Stop the temperature as soon as the water boils and hold the bowl on the burner surface and leave the lid. Try to leave the eggs in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes and not until the eggs start to boil.

Then remove the frying pan from the burner and start running cold water on the eggs to prevent them from cooking and allow the eggs to cool completely before they begin to crack.

Uses of baking soda:
We know that baking soda is one of our favorite items in cleaning and is used in many products that work on home cleaning. More people are looking for non-toxic, biodegradable home cleaning solutions. Bread soda is an essential element in household cleaning products thanks to the strong elements inside it. What you can do is get a safer dose of baking soda and follow the ways to use baking soda to clean everything.

Cleaning of soiled plastic containers:     
The remains of food leave an impact on plastic containers so plastic containers can live longer. Clean the mouth with a baking soda and sprinkle with baking soda on the plastic to clear the hard spots by soaking the solution with four pieces of baking soda and a liter of warm water.

The dirty kitchen:
Almost every dirty piece in the kitchen can take advantage of baking soda to clean the table or sink and a variety of kitchen utensils.

Jewellery polishing services:
When you want to get shiny and shiny jewelry you can get rid of the impurities that make jewelry dull and dull by using a paste of baking soda and water and apply the mixture gently by using a piece of lint-free cloth and rinse the jewelry afterward.

Bathroom cleaning mold:
Rub the tub or tile or shower curtain with a sponge dipped in a moist baking soda mixture and rinse the mixture to get a shiny surface.

Cleaning sports shoes:
If you suffer from the bad smell of sports shoes after spending a long day. You can spray the baking soda inside the shoe and squeeze it gently until it affects the shoes.

Elimination of blockage of sewers:
When you are looking for cleaning products to block the sinks, you find that they contain the drink, which is really a toxic product. Warning labels are placed on the back of the products. Next time, if you have a blockage in the sinks, use this mixture by relying on a homemade mixture of baking soda. Pour a glass of baking soda, followed by a glass of white vinegar, into the sink and then plug the sink into the sink with a piece of cloth and allow it to be left to work for at least 15 minutes. If the problem is not fixed you can repeat the rinsing without fear of the harsh chemicals of the sink.

Furniture faded:
When you use the furniture in the garden you may find that it is suffering from dirt and dirt accumulation. You can put a little baking soda under the pillows or inside the storage bags to keep them fresh

Carpet Cleaning:
If your carpet suffers from a little mold, you can sprinkle a little baking soda with a vacuum cleaner. However, you can rub a few carpet stains using baking soda and water. After drying, you can remove it using the vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning oven and refrigerator:
Maybe it's time to clean your oven and refrigerator in a non-toxic way. Make a paste of baking soda and water and distribute it to the interior of the refrigerator and oven. It is best to leave this mixture overnight or for 12 hours. Using a suspension you can scrap the dried paste and wipe any residue with a cloth.

Floor Cleaning:
When you get a paste made up of baking soda and water, make a mixture to scrub the floors of the flooring that is all around the house. And used in cleaning tiles and marble without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Just sprinkle the baking soda in the toilets you can eliminate the abrasive and very effective in cleaning the porcelain.

Whitening Covers:
Did you know that using baking soda from effective tricks by mixing equal amounts of baking soda with lemon juice to make the towels white and sheets more white is a light bleaching mixture?

Deodorant :
We all know that baking soda has a great effect in removing sweat and is used within different recipes to care for your beauty. You can prepare a baking soda recipe that acts as a home remover for sweat.
Get rid of onion smell in the hands:
Do not mention that the baking soda mixture is better than the soap but is effective in eliminating the onion odor from the hands. You can sprinkle a little baking soda and a few drops of water to make a paste on your hands and then rinse your hands with water.

Cleaning utensils:
Know that hardware cleaning products affect utensils. Stand up

Cleaning utensils:
Know that hardware cleaning products affect utensils. Fill a bowl with a few inches of water and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Allow the bowl to be left on fire for 15 minutes. This mixture helps you clean the container and get rid of everything that accumulates inside it.

Get rid of bad smell:

Many bad odors or mildew are the results of slightly acidic particles. That is why balancing the pH because the baking soda in the elimination of smells prefers to keep the container open and put baking soda and then put the container in the refrigerator to reduce unpleasant odors.

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