Yoga Treatment for Back Pain

3:48 PM
Yoga exercises are not just meditation, but practicing yoga is just another sport and has many benefits. The most important of which is back pain relief. Its results are quite similar to physiotherapy that reduces back pain.

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Many studies have revealed the amazing benefits of yoga to get rid of back pain. A study conducted at the Boston Medical Center has shown that practicing yoga for 12 consecutive weeks improves the incidence of acute pain in the lower back.

The study was based on 320 patients with low back pain and were divided into three groups.
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The researchers conducted the Morris questionnaire for three groups of patients and were given treatment through yoga, physiotherapy and medical drugs to determine which outcome was the fastest and most effective treatment to relieve back pain. The first group underwent a 12-week yoga practice. The second group participated in the same period but with natural therapy. The third group relied on healthy means and took medical drugs that relieve low back pain.

The emergence of the questionnaire showed that the first group that underwent yoga practice was 3.8 points. The second group participated in physiotherapy and the treatment rate was 3.5 points. The result of the third group, which received drugs and medical awareness, was 2.5 points. These three groups were subject to this questionnaire for the same 12-week period. 

The study showed that the practice of yoga and physical therapy is one of the most prominent natural remedies for treating low back pain. Senior researcher Robert Saber, father of the study, said: "Yoga and physiotherapy are two good non-medication tools to treat low back pain." 

Practicing yoga exercises is one of the best natural exercises to treat low back pain for its great benefits.

Contribute to promote blood circulation, works to relax the muscles,  You extend the spine very gently.

The practice of yoga helps to stimulate blood circulation and blood flow to the back muscles and may actually completely relieve the pain.  

A number of scientific studies have confirmed that practicing yoga enhances muscle tension and relieves back pain. The effect of these exercises in healing low back pain appears several months later but very regularly.


Yoga, Step by Step

Image Credits: Loxabeauty

The patient must learn how to practice yoga exercises by following up on CDs explaining how to practice yoga at home or in the lounge. You should know that the duration of the yoga exercise is 75 minutes, one hour and a quarter, for one day a week. Divide the 75 minutes three times a week. This is done with the help of yoga instructors. 

People with low back pain have to resort to natural and non-medicinal methods, including heat and massage, before resorting to drugs and medical drugs, the American College of Physicians said. 

Yoga exercises are originally a collection of spiritual rituals and Hindu customs which are famous for physical exercises as a method of artistic controls and specific rules of meditation, asceticism and mysticism.

Helps yoga to be characterized by its spiritual experience and deep understanding of the experiences of everyone who practices it.


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