Tips to Get Rid of Stomach Acidity During Pregnancy

12:31 PM
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It is the child's hair that causes you heartburn ... It is the wrong belief that you hear during pregnancy in case you have acidity in your stomach. However, the acidity of the stomach can occur in any pregnant woman because of the excessive pressure caused by the large size of the fetus on the stomach, resulting in the secretion of excess acidity in the stomach. How can this problem be eliminated during pregnancy?

Here are the tips that pregnant women emphasize their effectiveness in reducing stomach acidity:

1. Eat very small meals spread over the day instead of eating large meals.
2. Avoid coffee and tea.
3. Eat a cup of cake that reduces acidity in the stomach.
4. Keep away from fried foods and those that contain a large amount of spices.
5. Sleep on the pad slightly elevated.
6. Eat a little old-fashioned kind of nuts that can be found in the supermarket.
7. Eat a cup of milk that contains calcium and works to reduce the acidity of the stomach.
8. Eat a banana in the early morning.
9. Wear comfortable and loose clothing.
10. Drink plenty of water after eating.

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